
Ancient Greek Drama; the manosphere; Virtual Reality; furries; motion-tracking; the British Armed Forces; conjuring Athena from two-and-a-half thousand years ago to answer for what she’s done.
“Come, Fur(r)ies, Dance!” is a series of performance experiments exploring how experiences of masculinity are navigated, manipulated, and remade in virtual communities.
Combining live interviews, dance, puppetry, and shared ritual across virtual and meat space, “Virtual Furies” take flight in the pursuit of answers.
UCSC Digital Arts and New Media: Future Stages Lab
Director/Technologist: Rory Willats
The Fur(r)ies: Anastasiya Kirmasova, Seg Fault, Ruby Kastner
AD/PSM: Amaya Walsh Saldivar
Lighting Designer: Stephen Migdal
Sound Technologist: Asta Baker
Composer: Nicki Duval
Assistant Media Designer: Ashley Wrenn A.
Dramaturg: Astrid Hypernova

Come, Fur(r)ies, Dance!: The Body
Created in collaboration with choreographer Kat Hickey
This preliminary exploration combines the live motion data from three different modalities of pedestrian masculine gesture to create a new choreography—a launching point from which to explore the flows and possibilities manifest within (and between) the hybrid body.
Dancers: Lauren Guthrie, Georgia Morgan, Maggie Ogle, and River Weill