
Ancient Greek Drama; the manosphere; Social Virtual Reality; furries; motion-tracking; the British Armed Forces; conjuring Athena from two-and-a-half thousand years ago to answer for what she’s done.
“Come, Fur(r)ies, Dance!” is a series of performance experiments exploring how experiences of masculinity are navigated, manipulated, and remade in virtual communities.
Combining live interviews, dance, puppetry, and shared ritual across digital- and meat-space, “Virtual Furies” take flight in the pursuit of answers.
UCSC Digital Arts and New Media: Future Stages Lab
Director/Technologist: Rory Willats
The Fur(r)ies: Anastasiya Kirmasova, Seg Fault, Ruby Kastner
AD/PSM: Amaya Walsh Saldivar
Lighting Designer: Stephen Migdal
Sound Technologist: Asta Baker
Composer: Nicki Duval
Assistant Media Designer: Ashley Wrenn A.
Dramaturg: Astrid Hypernova